A Look at Storm Toys' 1/6th Scale Replica of the T-1 Tank from Terminator 3

Due to personal and professional circumstances beyond my control, I haven't been able to blog as much as I would like to as of late. Nevertheless, someone just told me a bit of Terminator news that I absolutely had to share: Storm Toys is releasing a highly-detailed, limited edition 1/6th scale replica of the T-1 tank from Terminator 3. Read on for more details and additional pictures of this stunning collectible from the Terminator universe. (Photos courtesy of Storm Toys.)

According to the details that I found on the Storm Toys Facebook page, the T-1 tank replica is a "props grade model" made of high-quality model plastic that features jointed arms, spinning action mini-guns and light-up eyes. Each tank will come with a metal name plate and a limited edition serial number. The retail price of the T-1 replica is $890.

Even though its price is way, way out of my own disposable funds budget, this T-1 tank would make a great addition to the collection of any well-funded, die-hard Terminator fan. As you can see in the pictures below, Storm Toys clearly went to great lengths to ensure that its replica matches the original T-1 tank that was designed by the Stan Winston Studio for the third Terminator movie.


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