Cartoon Kaiju Clashes: Firebreather and Inhumanoids
Last week, Cartoon Network premiered its first original CGI animated movie, Firebreather . This CGI flick is based on a short-lived comic book series of the same name , created by Phil Hester and Andy Kuhn and published by Image Comics, and it was directed by none other than Peter Chung, the creator of the fantastically bizarre Aeon Flux cartoon. (Click here to read an interview with Chung about his work on Firebreather ). I saw Firebreather the other day and it's mostly a blend of Buffy The Vampire Slayer , X-Men and Godzilla --but that's not a necessarily bad thing. What Firebreather lacks in originality it more than makes up for in impressive animation, well choreographed action scenes, solid voice casting, and impressive monster designs. For me, the most interesting detail of the Firebreather story is that it takes place in a world where giant monsters are a common threat and that these monsters are explicitly referred to as "kaiju" . Even though Japanes...